2005-2009 郑州大学化学系 化学学士
2009-2012 郑州大学化学系环境科学硕士
2012-2016 中科院大连化学物理研究所分析化学博士
2016-2018 中科院大连化学物理研究所助理研究员
2018-现在 中科院大连化学物理研究所副研究员
主要从事新型环境污染物的环境行为、毒性效应与健康风险等相关研究工作,共发表论文47篇,申请专利20余项,参编著作2部。其中,以第一或通讯作者身份在ES&T、Environ Int、Environ Pollut等期刊发表学术论文14篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项“基于代谢组学解析大气细颗粒物对呼吸系统损伤的分子机制(21607152)”,面上项目1项“氯化石蜡对肝脏能量代谢的干扰效应及作用机制研究(22076183)”。
1.Sun S, Zhang HJ, Chen JP,Geng NB*et al. Occurrence, accumulation, and health risks of heavy metals in Chinese market baskets. Sci Total Environ. 2022. 829: 154597.
2.Dai YB, Zhang HJ, Chen JP,Geng NB*et al. Residual levels and health risk assessment of rare earth elements in Chinese resident diet: A market-based investigation. Sci Total Environ. 2022. 828: 154119
3.A ML, Cao R,Geng NB*et al. Characteristics of pahs, PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PCNs in atmospheric fine particulate matter in dalian, China. Chemosphere. 2021. 288:132488,
4.Chen QL, Lian XL, An JJ,Geng NB*et al. Life cycle exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of diphenyl phosphate (dphp) inhibits growth and energy metabolism of zebrafish in a sex-specific manner. Environ Sci Technol. 2021. 55:13122-13131,
5.Geng NB, Luo Y, Cao R et al. Effect of short-chain chlorinated paraffins on metabolic profiling of male sd rats. Sci Total Environ. 2021. 750:141404,
6.Geng NB, Song XY, Cao R et al. The effect of toxic components on metabolomic response of male sd rats exposed to fine particulate matter. Environ Pollut. 2021. 272:115922.
7.Geng NB, Ren XQ, Gong YF et al. Integration of metabolomics and transcriptomics reveals short-chain chlorinated paraffin-induced hepatotoxicity in male SD rat. Environ Int. 2019. 133:105231.
8.Geng NB,Zhang HJ, Xing LG et al. Toxicokinetics of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in spragueedawley rats following single oral administration. Chemosphere. 2016. 145:106-111.
9.Geng NB, Zhang HJ, Zhang BQ et al. Effects of short-chain chlorinated paraffins exposure on the viability and metabolism of human hepatoma hepg2 cells. Environ Sci Technol. 2015. 49:3076-3083.