1986-1990 沈阳农业大学林学系,获学士学位
1994-1997 沈阳农业大学土壤化学系,获硕士学位
1997-2000 中科院沈阳应用生态研究所污染生态室,获博士学位
1990-1994 黑龙江省庆安县农业委员会工作
2000-2003 中科院大连化学物理研究所助理研究员
2003-2011 中科院大连化学物理研究所副研究员
2011-现在 中科院大连化学物理研究所正高级工程师
[1] X. Song, J. Liu, N. Geng, Y. Shan, B. Zhang, B. Zhao, Y. Ni, Z. Liang, J. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Multi-omics analysis to reveal disorders of cell metabolism and integrin signaling pathways induced by PM2.5, Journal of Hazardous Materials 424 (2022).
[2] C. Guo, X. Zhao, J. Jin, L. Wang, D. Tan, J. Chen, Y. Ni, The dose effect of dansyl chloride on the derivative products of bisphenols and its application for the determination of bisphenols in human serum by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Journal of Separation Science 44(16) (2021) 3052-3060.
[3] N. Geng, X. Song, R. Cao, Y. Luo, A. Mila, Z. Cai, K. Yu, Y. Gao, Y. Ni, H. Zhang, J. Chen, The effect of toxic components on metabolomic response of male SD rats exposed to fine particulate matter, Environmental Pollution 272 (2021).
[4] K. Xia, Y. Ni, F. Zhan, B. Song, Y. Ren, Y. Sunn, Y. Gao, R. Cao, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Zhang, Mechanistic aspects of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) formation from chlorine bleaching of non-wood pulp, Journal of Hazardous Materials 386 (2020).
[5] K. Xia, R. Cao, Y. Gao, Y. Li, Y. Ni, S. Wang, N. Geng, B. Song, Y. Ren, Y. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Zhang, Mass balance and elimination mechanism of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) during the kraft pulping process, Journal of Hazardous Materials 398 (2020).
[6] L. Zou, Y. Ni, Y. Gao, F. Tang, J. Jin, J. Chen, Spatial variation of PCDD/F and PCB emissions and their composition profiles in stack flue gas from the typical cement plants in China, Chemosphere 195 (2018) 491-497.
[7] X. Wang, J. Chen, Y. Ni, Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran precursors and formation mechanisms during non-woodpulp chlorine bleaching process, Chemosphere 211 (2018) 1-9.
[8] R. Cao, H. Zhang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, N. Geng, M. Teng, L. Zou, Y. Gao, Y. Ni, Q. Fu, J. Chen, Hazy Weather-Induced Variation in Environmental Behavior of PCDD/Fs and PBDEs in Winter Atmosphere of A North China Megacity, Environmental Science & Technology 52(15) (2018) 8173-8182.
[9] D. Tan, J. Jin, F. Li, X. Sun, Dhanjai, Y. Ni, J. Chen, Phenyltrichlorosilane-functionalized magnesium oxide microspheres: Preparation, characterization and application for the selective extraction of dioxin-like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils with matrix solid-phase dispersion, Analytica Chimica Acta 956 (2017) 14-23.
[10] L. Shi, Y. Gao, H. Zhang, N. Geng, J. Xu, F. Zhan, Y. Ni, X. Hou, J. Chen, Concentrations of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in indoor dusts from malls in China: Implications for human exposure, Chemosphere 172 (2017) 103-110.
[11] H. Zhang, X. Lu, Y. Zhang, X. Ma, S. Wang, Y. Ni, J. Chen, Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls by loaches living in rice paddy fields of Northeast China, Environmental Pollution 216 (2016) 893-901.
[12] F. Li, J. Jin, D. Tan, J. Xu, Dhanjai, Y. Ni, H. Zhang, J. Chen, High performance solid-phase extraction cleanup method coupled with gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for analysis of polychlorinated naphthalenes and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in complex samples, Journal of Chromatography A 1448 (2016) 1-8.
[13] F. Li, J. Jin, Y. Gao, N. Geng, D. Tan, H. Zhang, Y. Ni, J. Chen, Occurrence, distribution and source apportionment of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in sediments and soils from the Liaohe River Basin, China, Environmental Pollution 211 (2016) 226-232.
1. 金静;縢曼;陈吉平;倪余文;田玉增;王龙星; 复杂样品中PCNs、HBCDs和TBBPA的选择性分离 公开(公告)号: CN103364238B
2. 金静;苏凡;陈吉平;倪余文; 一种环境水样中多环芳烃的富集方法 公开(公告)号: CN102478556B
3. 金静;陈吉平;倪余文;张海军; 复杂样品中苯并[а]芘的选择性净化方法 公开(公告)号: CN102455262B
4. 倪余文;汤凤梅;张海军;陈吉平;苏凡;车迅;黄威东; 一种气相-液相在线联用的二噁英类样品净化方法 公开(公告)号: CN102297797B
5. 汤凤梅;倪余文;张海军;苏凡;陈吉平;车迅;黄威东; 气相-液相在线联用的二噁英类样品净化装置 公开(公告)号: CN102235949B
6. 金静;李云;卢宪波;倪余文;陈吉平; 一种十八烷基修饰氧化镁微球的制备方法 公开(公告)号: CN102218287B